Saturday, November 4, 2023

Must have in your Christmas Gifts

One of my must items for my kids every year is something that is memorable and personal, which is why I love these books from Wonderbly

Save 15% off code: BAM7VX93 (code expires 11/16)

They have so many cute books that you can personalize not only for yourself but anyone in your life.

This year, with our new addition, I Choose the "12 Days of Christmas" family edition book.

Not only do we get to personalize and add all the kids and hubby and myself, but it creates fun stories that make the book so amazing!!

If your looking for something special this holiday season, I highly recommend you checkout Wonderbly's list of books.

Ofcourse i have a code!! Save 15% off code: BAM7VX93 (code expires 11/16)

Here is another fun personalized book i got the kiddos, full of fun adventures. They love reading it together!!

They have something for everyone in your life, kids, adults, family members, couples. You name it. They have it.

I love their books and cannot wait to share them this holiday season with friends and family!!!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Mom of three...

 So as you know I had my baby!!

I am currently one month postpartum and am doing surprisingly really good!!!

I finally got some type of routine, it's mostly just sleeping any chance I get hahaha

I never knew i'd be the mom that was happy that her kids went to school, but boy oh boy thank goodness schools were invented!!!!

Baby is doing great and the kids are doing good, i need to figure out how to give them more attention since i'm always tired or focused on baby.

Okay so let me tell you about this past month...

1 - c-section recovery is NO JOKE!! 

I forgot how bad it was, i was really struggling. The pain, the way i couldn't even move, sit or live hahah (i'm not being dramatic, it was that bad).

2 - The no sleep game is a real thing, surviving on 2 hours of sleep is wild, getting 4 hours is a luxury!

3 - Having a new baby with two other kids who are not fully independent, sucks balls!

You never get a moment to yourself, which is fine because this is what i signed up for, buttttt when you really need a moment it completely makes you feel like your losing your mind.

Overall i feel like i finally have my life together *knock on wood*

So will chat with everyone soon, and remember to all moms, dad and guardians you are doing a great job!!

P.S. I love these diapers from Momcozy you can save 15% off with my code: chrysalis