Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Life Update 2022

 It has been a while since I've last posted on my blog, and I definitely plan to do so more often!!

So yes we have moved to a different state and have bought a house. We have been here for a year and it's been an ordeal...

Being a homeowner is amazing, but there are so many surprises that come with owning a home!!



Another thing that has been happening is virtual schooling with my 1st grader.

 Let's just say that in itself is a wild wild ride hahhaha

What I love about being away is the freedom I have to just live my life. Often we are surrounded by people who like to consistently give their opinions about what we need to do. I just like to remind people that it's my life, and if your not paying my bills you need to mind your business and worry about yourself. I obviously say this in a much nicer way lol

As a mom of little ones, I'm here to tell other moms to stop allowing others to dictate your life. Your life is yours and no one else's. 

My attitude in 2022 is peace, love and happiness. If people cannot offer that, then they need to be put aside.

We can no longer allow others to ruin our peace or to make us feel less than. You need to know your worth and keep the people that are worthy of you in your life. Anyone else that expects less, bye bye!!!

I have had a lot of reflection in the past year and I have been working on myself, for my kids and my husband. Because happy mom/wife, happy home. 

I had my first ever panic attack a few days ago, and that's when I realized I had to focus on my family and not allow other negative forces into my peace.

You cannot keep down playing your feelings, and you have to set boundaries even if it causes others to not understand. Your mental health is more important.

Not everyone has good intentions for you, although I love to believe everyone has good inside them. The older I get the more I realize people really aren't the nicest. This may sound naive of me, it's just I like to think people truly care about others when in all reality they only care about themselves.

This is why I will continue to be a good person, set boundaries and remove anyone/thing that is negative or isn't healthy in my life.

This so went on as a rant and I just hope that when you read this, if this resonates with you to please remember you are worthy. And you cannot allow others to try and control or manipulate your life. You have to stand firm, put your foot down and take control of what makes you you, what makes you happy and what makes you at peace.

I hope this start of the year has been great and has been a wonderful reflection and if it hasn't, you have time to change that and turn it into something amazing!!!