Saturday, April 15, 2023

C-section Awareness Month

 It's April!!!

It is officially c-section awareness month and I'm here as a two time c-section mama to talk about this LIFE SAVING procedure!!

There still seems to be not alot of education about this in 2023 and the same ignorant rhetoric is still being passed around.

Women are afraid to get c-sections because women who have never had one (mind you!) tell them their bad.

Women are told that they didn't really give birth because their baby didn't come out of their vaginas... like b**ch I held this baby for 9 months, gained 60 lbs and probably have underlying health conditions (speaking for myself) because I had TWO babies!!

One thing I have to say to any woman who is pregnant or plans to have children. You and your babies health is what's most important. Whatever will keep you both safe is all that matters.

Also do not take c-section advice or just birthing advice from anyone who hasn't experienced it or is trained in child birthing. Also no offense to older generation, but if the person who is telling you all about giving birth hasn't had a baby in the last 10 years, you may want to get another opinion. Only because things change medically, scientifically every 5 years, not saying the old ways don't work but new way can help as well.

There are so many scientific advances that our parents, grandparents and so on could never fathom!

Never let anyone make you feel less than, it's ok to get a c-section for me personally it's saved my son's life in my first pregnancy and then saved my life in my second pregnancy.  If I didn't have a c-section I wouldn't have a son and my daughter wouldn't have a mother.

Because of all the stigma behind c-section women get all stressed and try to make a "birthing plan" hahaha jajaja 

I'm sorry but I laugh at birthing plans, because you CANNOT plan what is going to happen when it's time for baby to come. It doesn't matter how "prepared" you are or how organized you think you'll be. It's a whole different world.

Baby gonna come, when baby wants to come.

Vaginal birth, c-section, emergency birth are all things we cannot control. 

You can go into, everything is fine and then baby doesn't want to come out, bam emergency c-section!

And this is not to scare you, this is to have you ready for whatever is to come. That's why I loved my OBGYN the minute I came to her she told me upfront, you may want this but all this can happen and I need you to just go with it.

I went with it and it saved our lives.

I'm not an "A Type" a person, so for those people this concept might be hard to grasp, but having a c-section will save lives and it's ok to be scared, because motherhood is a sh*tshow (be prepared).

All in all to all my c-section mama's out there, you are amazing!!!!!

I will be having my 3rd c-section this fall so I'll create a post on some of my tips if you'd like!!!

C-section have been my saving grace, and I will always have a positive look on the procedure because like I've said, it saves so many lives!!