Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!!

 Happy New Years to you all...

Its the time of year were everyone are mkaing thier resolutions, goals and plans for the new year.

Its also that time were those resolutions, goals and plans do not get accomplished or even looked at maybe two weeks into the new year.

I think that setting intentions for self growth is somthing that is better than "planning" what youd like for the new year.

Manifesting your desires is totally attainable, i know i did it for a year and when you put that energy out into the universe the results are astronomical!!

I obviously believe in manifesting and using that energy to achieve the life you wish to live.

To know that what you want is yours when you just believe it is, its so powerful!!

So this year maybe try to set intentions instead of goals.

Manifest instead of resolute.

And know that it'll happen instead of having dsibelief in yourself. Know that you are worthy of all your desires!!

I wish you all a wonderful year of happiness, love and joy <3 

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Monday, December 12, 2022

A week of the Flu - Stuggles of Motherhood

 If your a mother of school aged kids then you already know how this fall and winter season has been...

Week after week my kids have been sick.

It has been driving me crazy because I keep getting sick too.

This past week we all got taken down by the flu, except my husband, that jerk never gets sick but i always catch whatever the kids have. WHY IS MY IMMUNE SYSTEM LIKE THIS!!!

The kids have had fevers as high as 102.1 and not being able to hold food down, muscle pains, headaches, the list can go on and on.

Since its the holiday season and we already missed out on a few activities that we (aka I) had planned, I still wanted to make the most of it. 

We took the kids to a light show, that was near us. Had hot coco and played a machine game, you know the one where you try and get a toy with the grip thing lol. What are those called "claw machine"? Is that what its called, i could easily google the answer but its my blog so I can just write that I don't know what its called. I will probably google it after I post this and laugh at my silliness since i'm probably right, i'm usually right anyway!!

Of course we only lasted about 30-40min because my son and husband were was too cold (they are just so grumpy lol) and my daughter decided not to let her hot chocolate cool down and burned her tongue. Thankfully the kids got in for free and we did get a few nice photos to remember this moment, however short it was.


After we went to a Mexican reasturant and the food was delicious, the kids had the best time.

I got the chicken fajita which was amazing!! Hubby got a burrito and I love that they had kid options like pizza, mac and cheese, etc for the kids. The whole place was so nice and festively decorated for the holidays. We definitley wil be goong back.

Moving from NY to PA was a fun transition, but now finding food has gotten interesting. We no longer have the convinence of every culture within a 30 block radius. We have to hunt down to find good authentic style foods, but we are starting to find the best spots.


It was nice taking them out, if only for a little bit since my son was feeling better and my daughter wasn't really showing any simptoms well that was until the next day, but that another story...

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