Thursday, September 27, 2018

Motherhood Now: Mommy Shamming

Having one kid is hard enough, but having two, now that's a whole other ball game.

Hi, for those who may not know me. I am a 28 year old Mother of two kids who are under three years old, i am a SAHM (Stay at home mom) and am married to my high school sweetheart (12 years together, 6 years married)...

My son is going to be 3 in a few weeks and my daughter just turned 8 months and is in the fussy stage of life. Whoopee for me right?!?!?!

My son has decided that he knows whats best and that everything has to be on his terms. I am living the life guys!! Seriously, who is this kid?!?!?!?!

All in all i love it!! Not the attitudes, or the crying or the poop (SO MUCH POOP), but that overwhelming feeling of love, and being loved. Of knowing that no matter what, those little eyes will look at you and make you feel like the best thing that has ever walked on this earth. A little dramatic right?!?!?!?

So yeah motherhood, its not for all, it isn't even for meany. Its hard and sucks most of the time, but its something that i will never change. I have my good days and i have my really super bad days.

Women, Mothers are usually afraid to talk about anything because of "Mommy Shamers", I could care less about another persons opinion. My motto has and will always be, "You don't pay my bills, care for my children or bring any value into my life, then you need to MIND YOUR BUSINESS". To many WOMEN love to give their opinion and tell other MOTHERS how to do things. I'm sorry just because you have whatever amount of kids you have, it doesn't mean you get the best mom award, and can now tell everyone what to do.

I try my best to keep my opinion to myself (although is it hard), because it is annoying!!!!
Don't get me wrong i used to judge others, but then i realized why?!?!?!?! Why is my opinion on that parents parenting relevant to them?? ITS NOT!! unless someone asks me, i keep my mouth shut.
How many of you who are mothers are consistently being told what to do, say, wear, etc. like are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?

I have a mother and a mother-in-law who constantly annoy me on what i need to do because that did XYZ. And they annoy the heck out of me, but they are a different generation and they do mean the best. Although they are both condescending at times, and will see this and scold me for it. My point is if i have them, why do other "mothers" think they have the right to say what i can or cannot, i should or i should not??

Why do us mother put up with other mothers who are just plain mean??
I feel like Motherhood Now, should be about love and support for one another. How can we make each others days better? How can we encourage that mother who is on 2 hours of sleep or the one who is having a hard time potty training their toddler. What about the ones who has a kid that is being bullied or the one with a wild teen. Like why does it have to be "I'm better than you, you suck". We are the adults, so why are we acting like kids, and how will we instill this idea of friendship and empathy in our own kids, when the only example we show them is hatred towards others.

So i leave you with this, each day find a positive word to use towards someone mother or not, father or not. That will help someone, because you never know what kind of day a person is having...

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