Sunday, December 4, 2022

Why I no longer am part of Monat

Short version I didn't like the pressure I was under to get customers and people to join.

Longer version:

 I wasn't having success, and i felt like i was lying to people that they can make all this money when i wasn't and it didn't sit well with me.

 I hated having to message people and constantly have to be in peoples dm's. 

 I worked my butt of daily and consistently but I didn't like what was "required" of me. 

 I'm an influencer and alot of the ladies kind of looked down on that, mind you I make 10x more being an influencer than I ever did in Monat. 

 The culture isn’t as nice and friendly as they make it seem, its a lot of pushing and stress to succeed so that the ones above you can move up. and when you aren't being "successful" no one is interested in being your "friend". 

 Once I stopped doing Monat no one ever decided to "keep" talking to me, which is hypocritical but I already expected it and laugh about the ridiculousness.

 I'm just ashamed that I pushed these products so hard, not that they didn't work, they did! but in all honesty I am not a fan on the way you have to have a flexship and can only purchase $84 worth of stuff to get free shipping. There are other products that are similar and more easily available to buy. 

I just refuse to join and be made felt like a nobody because I can't get "sales" so to anyone that i pressured, I  sincerely apologize!!!! 

One last thing I feel I need to add is that be careful with people wanting to be "your friend", those women who follow you, like all your posts and then try to get to "know you" are just part of the MLM train...
This is another reason I couldn't be apart of it. IT IS MORALLY WRONG!

I have so much more to say, but for now this was good to get off my chest <3

 Thanks to all my supporters!!!!


Friday, December 2, 2022

WELCOME to my messy life!!

To the mom, dad, parent who needs to be reminded:

I posted this to my stories and I realized I'm not the only parent who gets pressured to be perfect. 


So here is your reminder that you have kids, especially if you have little ones.
Your house doesn't need to be perfect, if it is that's great, but for the 85% of us who are just making it through the day. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!!

My home will never be a perfectly clean house because I let my kids actually live in their home, enjoy the house, run around, make messes. They are little only once. Maybe when they move my house can be a magazine cover. Until then, it's gonna be a hot mess with this hot mess momma and her hot mess kiddos.
But my kids will remember their happy home, their sense of wonder and all the fun times we continue to have.

So don't let this holiday season or even just this whole year stress you out because of some mess. Let people talk and say whatever they want.

What's my motto people!!: they don't pay your bills, help you raise your children and aren't apart of your every day life. And if still so, no one's opinion matters but yours!! 

Enjoy all these moments, enjoy the stressful clutter, we only get a few years with our babies until they turn to teens and don't want to be near us 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


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